The native trout species that swim in the waters that run through the Clark Fork are impeccable in size, pattern, fight and the grit to survive. The feeling of walking the same ground as the 49ers and the Outlaws is a feeling like no other, knowing that the trees that surround you have seen how men have carved the landscape from the miners to the fly fishermen. The Clarks Fork is really a magnificent place to run wild and let your inner child’s imagination run.

Trout in the trees

Lunch out of the back of my 2001 Toyota Tacoma

A stud Rainbow Trout caught at the bottom of a ripple right where he was supposed to be

A rare and illusive Apache Trout, in my opinion the most beautiful fish in the river system

The perfect hiding, ambush and habitat for the Rainbow Trout

Scouting waters in Oakley Eye Jackets and the SBSRFC waffle knit beanie

The large rocks in the river bed are the perfect hiding spots for Stoneflies which are the main source for trout at the time

Aidan doing his best to keep his footing while maneuvering the boulders to do what he can to present his fly

Lloyd hiking through the forest of Red Fir trees and ground shrubs doing his best to avoid the thorns.